Featured Email Marketing

Jaw-Dropping Emails How-To Write Jaw-Dropping Emails that Gets the Click

Creating a consistent flood of jaw-dropping emails become a powerful business asset used to generate interest in your content. These emails encourage followers to share your work, and, the fun part, spur conversion and sales. I imagine that you went ahead and slapped together an email list. You probably have...

Email List How To Use Facebook to Build and Grow Your Email List

Do you want to know how to build your email list with Facebook marketing? Looking for a way to collect email addresses from a Facebook page? Facebook commands the lion’s share of social media users. Siphoning just a fraction of Facebook users into your email list can create an immense opportunity...

email messages Best Email Marketing Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Ah, email marketing tools. What would we do without them? Email marketing is the bread and butter of affiliate marketing. With email marketing, you gain the benefit of reaching your core audience virtually free. Each point of contact can be used to reaffirm your authority while presenting an opportunity to...

improve email marketing How to Increase the Effectiveness of Email Campaigns: 6 Email Blast Marketing Tips

Your email list is pure gold if you increase the effectiveness of the campaigns. This means: More email opens Better response rates Don't have email blasts going yet? That’s a shame because the list is really where the money’s at. Use our email marketing guide to get things going. For...

Recent Email Marketing Posts

Email List How To Use Facebook to Build and Grow Your Email List

Do you want to know how to build your email list with Facebook marketing? Looking for a way to collect email addresses from a Facebook page? Facebook commands the lion’s share of social media users. Siphoning just a fraction of Facebook users into your email list can create an immense opportunity...

email messages Best Email Marketing Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Ah, email marketing tools. What would we do without them? Email marketing is the bread and butter of affiliate marketing. With email marketing, you gain the benefit of reaching your core audience virtually free. Each point of contact can be used to reaffirm your authority while presenting an opportunity to...

Increasing Opt-Ins Grow that List: Proven Strategies for Increasing Opt-Ins

The money is in the list. Though the saying is old and tired it still stands the test of time because once you have people following you through direct channels (email) you no longer have to bend to the will of social networks, search engines, and risk it with advertising....

improve email marketing How to Increase the Effectiveness of Email Campaigns: 6 Email Blast Marketing Tips

Your email list is pure gold if you increase the effectiveness of the campaigns. This means: More email opens Better response rates Don't have email blasts going yet? That’s a shame because the list is really where the money’s at. Use our email marketing guide to get things going. For...

Jaw-Dropping Emails How-To Write Jaw-Dropping Emails that Gets the Click

Creating a consistent flood of jaw-dropping emails become a powerful business asset used to generate interest in your content. These emails encourage followers to share your work, and, the fun part, spur conversion and sales. (more…)

List Building List Building 101: The Ultimate Email Marketing Setup Guide

It’s been said time and time again: “the money is in the list”. (more…)

Email Conversions How to Boost Your Email Conversion Rate

You wouldn’t want to put all of your time and resources into filling out a great email autoresponder and building a list lead magnet for nothing, would you? The other part of the equation you may be neglecting is creating the conversions which builds the list; the entry point for...

Newsletter The Newsletter Anatomy: Designing Emails People Read

The email newsletter hasn’t changed much over the years but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Sure we have social media and a zillion new websites to choose from but good ol’ email still remains an extremely valuable asset to all affiliate marketers. The format has generally remained the same....

email marketing Email Marketing 101: The Beginner’s Guide to Profitable Lists

Email marketing is one of the most valuable assets you can add to your marketing. It allows you direct access to your subscribers and interested parties through their email without the hurdles of finding content and participation on your website. In this article, we will be exploring the complete process...

About Email Marketing

Ready to start and scale your email marketing?

Email marketing is touted as a business essential — for good reason!

With email, you control the message and platform. You’re not at the will of search and social platforms who may disrupt or outright ban accounts. You create and own the subscriber list.

Starting email marketing is simple. There are dozens of high-profile tools and services that’ll have you set up and going within minutes. These services cost a few dollars every month but their return on investment is immense!

The process goes like this:

  1. Sign up for an email marketing platform
  2. Add opt-in forms to your website using embedding tools
  3. Encourage visitors to sign up (often with a freebie or course)
  4. Send informational and promotional emails regularly

Each time you publish a post on your business blog is an opportunity to send people to your site. Each time you release a new product or update is another way to generate sales.

See where this is going?

Without a doubt, you need email marketing to launch and grow your business. The tutorials and guides you’ll find below will take you through the entire process from setup to on-going efforts.