Featured Business & Market Research

Competitive Research Competitive Research: Analyze and Out-Do the Competition

Competitive research helps to understand your competitors. Analyzing their actions help lower costs while revealing opportunities. You leverage their efforts. There are several ways to research your market. Read on, if you want to out-do the competition.   The Competitive Analysis Basics: Start Here to Understand the Competition Competitive intelligence is...

Validating a Money-Making Idea Validating Money-Making Ideas: From Interest to Opportunity

It’s quite common to hear “do what you love” but few opportunities blend work and fun, together. Affiliate marketing happens to be one of these opportunities. Here’s the thing: Creating a business around what interests you makes it easier to create Web content. It’s something you’re passionate about so you...

Mastering Any Topic How to Learn and Master (Just About) Any Topic

Want to master any topic? You're already on track... The Internet is an incredibly powerful tool for research. Affiliate marketers know it’s vital to build authority within a market and industry. But... The only true way to do so is by being part of the culture surrounding a topic. The...

Unique Selling Point Discovering your Unique Selling Point in 4 Easy Steps

It’s easy to jump into the affiliate marketing industry. You'll hit the ground running only to find that your business can’t stand up to the competition. You increasingly find it difficult to crack the market despite extensive dedication toward market research and product development. The competitors managed to carve a...

Recent Business & Market Research Posts

Get Found Online Get Found Online: Fundamentals to Building an Online Presence

Building an online presence is less about waiting for the right opportunity and more about doing a set of daily procedures to increase your chances of getting found. (more…)

Irresistible Offers How To Develop Irresistible Offers Customers Will Love

What makes irresistible offers? How could you use the promotion to reach that elusive six-figure mark so many strive to achieve? The determining factor for reaching this level of affiliate income lies in one’s ability to find and promote those irresistible offers. Offers virtually overwhelmingly valuable to the buyer. It...

A Step-by-Step Approach to Community Surveys for Business Feedback

How well do you know your community? A powerful understanding of your community will allow you to peer into the needs and wants of your potential customers. Generally, this understanding comes from your initial research within your niche and industry, and then evolves, over time, after you begin to gain...

Business Investments Six Worthwhile Business Investments to Reach a Six-Figure Income

Besides rolling a perfect hand and having your launch with flying success – you need to make business investments to make it happen. (more…)

Mastermind Groups What is a Mastermind Group? Plus, How To Start One

A mastermind group is a collection of like-minded individuals with the expressed goal of obtaining success within their desired industries. (more…)

Office Products How to Make Money in the Office Product and Mailing Niche

Quick: What are some of the items sitting around your desk? These products (staplers, mailers, tape, and more) had to come from somewhere and there’s no shortage to the amount that these products are being purchased considering that they’ve become required for businesses to operate. Now, what if you could...

Products that sell Guide To Finding Affiliate Products THAT SELL

Despite your best intentions and hard work, you won’t see dramatic commissions if you’re promoting the wrong product This is why you want to refine your focus and find affiliate products that sell. Product selection is one of the most highly overlooked elements of starting up as an affiliate marketer....

About Business & Market Research

Need help with the business research? We’ve got the guides!

Time and time again you’ll hear the importance of proper business research. We can’t stress this enough because, after all, this is where everything begins.

An entrepreneur starting a business without direction, an idea for the market, their competition, and how to realize their goals is doomed to fail. Those willing to dig in, and do a deep dive into learning, will see success.

Of course, there’s something to say about action vs preparation. What good is a business idea if it’s set on the backburner? You likely have a list of neglected ideas in some word file or notebook — not any longer!

The section below is full of tutorials, guides, lists, and resources for helping you maximize your business research. You’ll learn the fundamentals of idea analysis — all the way to running live tests to validate ideas.

Ready to entertain your business imagination? Let’s start learning!