Featured Blogging

Content creation and development Best Content Creation Services for Affiliate Marketing

No affiliate marketing project is complete without content. Content is what drives visitors to your site (like how you’re here now) through multiple channels whether that’s via social media shares, search results, or advertising. Content is the vehicle for your message and offer – it exhumes your brand, expertise, and...

Content Formulas 3 Blog Content Formulas Guaranteed to Attract Visitors

Popular posts rely on content formulas because they have been successful time and time again. It’s why we see certain types of headlines come in “waves” while others remain staples no matter what the niche. If you've got a good headline... you've got a good idea for a post. Once...

writing consistently How to Write 500 Words a Day (Consistently)

Writing consistently does one of two things: Gets you awesome, steady traffic Gets you burnt out You can always find a debate about the frequency of blog publication, length, and the like... ...but when you get right down to it – I feel it’s far more important that you do...

Proven Content Types 7 Proven Lead Generating Content Types to Increase Sales

Want the inside scoop on the proven lead generating content types used by successful content marketers? The reason we create content, as affiliate marketers, is to drive search and social traffic to our affiliate offers – plain and simple. Yes, we want to educate and entertain our readership but, at...

Recent Blogging Posts

Art of Affiliate Blogging Mastering the Art of Affiliate Blogging with a Shaolin Focus

By the end of this article – you’ll be doing finger pushups at your keyboard whenever you get down to working on your affiliate marketing blog. (more…)

Kindle Ebook Create a Kindle Ebook by Repurposing Blog Content

Right now, you’re sitting on a mountain of great content that could become a kindle ebook. Having it only on your website or in your email list is truly stifling your ability to make the most of your assets. (more…)

Content Creation and Marketing The Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing: Content Creation & Marketing [Part 3]

Pay-per-click, social media, local SEO, link building, guest posting, directories, banner advertising, cost-per-action – gah! (more…)

Understanding Content Marketing Understanding Content Marketing: The What, Why, and How

Understanding content marketing is easy once you understand how we use this incredible tool called the Internet. Content: it’s what you read, it’s what you hear, it’s what you watch, and it’s what you share. Content is the foundation of the Web -- it’s the core reason people use the...

Content Unlocking How to Increase Traffic and Shares with Content Unlocking

The idea of content unlocking is somewhat new to the affiliate marketing world. Well, maybe not the idea itself, but the term “locked content” certainly is. The basic principles are pretty simple. As an affiliate or a product owner doing business from your own website, you can choose to have...

About Blogging

Thinking about getting into blogging as a business? Or, want to use your business blog to build traffic, generate sales, and market authority?

Blogging is one of the best ways to build an audience and authority online.

With a blog, you’re sharing incredible information about topics you love or know. This not only gets found in search engines — sending traffic — but helps build a personal or business brand.

Over time, your blog can morph into anything you want it to be:

  • A portfolio
  • An ecommerce store
  • A job board
  • A money-making platform

… and so much more!

The wonderful thing about blogging is anyone can do it.

Starting a blog is easier than ever, too. You can choose to set one up on your own (for free). Or, use free or paid blogging platforms allowing you to configure the design however you want!

What you’ll find in this section is a bit of everything about building and growing a blog. And, how to use a blog to drive people to your business. You’ll also learn ways to monetize your blog or use it as a platform to promote items and get paid!

Sound good? Great! Let’s dig in!