Featured Blogging

Content creation and development Best Content Creation Services for Affiliate Marketing

No affiliate marketing project is complete without content. Content is what drives visitors to your site (like how you’re here now) through multiple channels whether that’s via social media shares, search results, or advertising. Content is the vehicle for your message and offer – it exhumes your brand, expertise, and...

Content Formulas 3 Blog Content Formulas Guaranteed to Attract Visitors

Popular posts rely on content formulas because they have been successful time and time again. It’s why we see certain types of headlines come in “waves” while others remain staples no matter what the niche. If you've got a good headline... you've got a good idea for a post. Once...

writing consistently How to Write 500 Words a Day (Consistently)

Writing consistently does one of two things: Gets you awesome, steady traffic Gets you burnt out You can always find a debate about the frequency of blog publication, length, and the like... ...but when you get right down to it – I feel it’s far more important that you do...

Proven Content Types 7 Proven Lead Generating Content Types to Increase Sales

Want the inside scoop on the proven lead generating content types used by successful content marketers? The reason we create content, as affiliate marketers, is to drive search and social traffic to our affiliate offers – plain and simple. Yes, we want to educate and entertain our readership but, at...

Recent Blogging Posts

revive old content How to Revive Old Content for a Fresh Audience

I don’t know about you but I hate when I put a lot of work into content only to have it fizzle and dud. It’s the type of content you pour everything into. And yet it’s overshadowed by something you (or others) quickly slapped together. Part of the problem is...

Creating Reviews Reviewing Products and Services You Don’t Own: A How To

Reviews provide you with a great opportunity to earn commissions when affiliated with the product. However, unless you’re one of the “big boys” in the industry that constantly receives review copies of a product you’ll soon realize that trying to provide these reviews can take a toll on your budget....

unboxing The Unboxing Experience: Business and Marketing Strategy

An odd phenomenon that has picked up in popularity is the act of recording and sharing the unboxing experience. People create videos showing the exact moment when they begin to open the product packaging and then take the viewer through the individual components along with commentary. As silly as it...

Start Podcasting How to Start Podcasting on Less Than $100: A Beginner’s Guide

Did you want to start podcasting to grow your business? Or, create a podcast as a new revenue stream? Maybe starting one is for fun. Podcasting is a great way to reach community especially with those that do not have the time to sit down and read through or watch...

Royalty Free Music: Best Sites to Find Free of Charge Tunes

Do you produce videos or podcasts? If so, then you'll want to find royalty free music. Why? Because... Music put the finishing touch on your videos. The only problem is that if you don’t have the rights then you’re liable -- a lot like the need for using free images...

Unique Content Unique Content: Finding the Perfect Blend of Real-World and Theory-Based Topics

Unique content should be believable but also capture the reader’s attention in the form of a story. In the publishing world we see this as fiction and nonfiction; you have die-hard fans of each type but the masses will generally jump between the two because each provides a fun and...

Proven Content Types 7 Proven Lead Generating Content Types to Increase Sales

Want the inside scoop on the proven lead generating content types used by successful content marketers? The reason we create content, as affiliate marketers, is to drive search and social traffic to our affiliate offers – plain and simple. Yes, we want to educate and entertain our readership but, at...

Guest Post Guideline How-to Draft a Fool-Proof Guest Post Guideline

Accepting guest posts is a great way to keep your website fresh on content, allow others to share their knowledge, and bring insight to your community but it can be a real pain in the rear when you receive a guest post that’s either pure garbage or simply doesn’t ‘fit’...

Content Ideas 50 Affiliate Content Ideas for Traffic and Conversions

The spark of affiliate content ideas … Sometimes it hits you, sometimes you’re stumped. Content gives you the fuel for building higher search ranking and social sharing -- a constant stream is what you should strive to meet each passing day. The one trip up stems from creative blocks. Creativity...

content series How To Develop a Wildly Popular Content Series

A content series becomes a powerful asset in your affiliate marketing business because it gives you an immense boost to your niche authority, search engine placement, and be reworked into additional opportunities to generate affiliate commissions. The focus of this guide is to give you a solid foundation for developing...

Using Guest Blogging Using Guest Blogging to Grow Your Traffic and Influence

Guest blogging has been touted as the next generation of link building because it allows you to simultaneously reach out to a new community, display your expertise, expand your brand, and (of course) build links to your website in one fell swoop. (more…)

Business Investments Six Worthwhile Business Investments to Reach a Six-Figure Income

Besides rolling a perfect hand and having your launch with flying success – you need to make business investments to make it happen. (more…)

About Blogging

Thinking about getting into blogging as a business? Or, want to use your business blog to build traffic, generate sales, and market authority?

Blogging is one of the best ways to build an audience and authority online.

With a blog, you’re sharing incredible information about topics you love or know. This not only gets found in search engines — sending traffic — but helps build a personal or business brand.

Over time, your blog can morph into anything you want it to be:

  • A portfolio
  • An ecommerce store
  • A job board
  • A money-making platform

… and so much more!

The wonderful thing about blogging is anyone can do it.

Starting a blog is easier than ever, too. You can choose to set one up on your own (for free). Or, use free or paid blogging platforms allowing you to configure the design however you want!

What you’ll find in this section is a bit of everything about building and growing a blog. And, how to use a blog to drive people to your business. You’ll also learn ways to monetize your blog or use it as a platform to promote items and get paid!

Sound good? Great! Let’s dig in!