Featured Affiliate Marketing

How Affiliate Marketing Works

Interested in how some of the biggest social media influencers, bloggers, and streamers make money online but not sure how affiliate marketing works? You’re in the right place. Affiliate marketing isn’t too complicated if you look at it from its basic premise: A company has a product or service A...

Find Affiliate Programs How to Find Affiliate Programs and Worthy Product Promotions

There are thousands of affiliate programs. Are they all good? Nope. That’s why we created a curated affiliate program directory featuring what we believe are the best of the best. We made it, so you don’t have to scroll through endless feeds, and super long blog posts, and hope they’re...

Affiliate Marketing without a Website Affiliate Marketing Without a Website: A How To Guide

Doing affiliate marketing without a website seems impossible. Tell that to the people doing it. The truth is a site does help… but it’s not the only way you’ll make money doing affiliate marketing. This is what you’ll learn: Monetizing your social feeds Using free hubs to make sales Creating...

Getting paid through different affiliate payout types Affiliate Payment Types and Models: Your Choice Matters!

Affiliate marketing is divided into different affiliate payment types and models. Each presents a different direction with generating money from your promotions. New affiliate marketers generally focus on a commission model like Amazon Associates. We recommend this when beginning because it allows you to explore affiliate marketing. It's better to...

Recent Affiliate Marketing Posts

food and beverage Best Food & Drinks Affiliate Programs

The estimated size of the U.S. food and beverage industry is 13.85 billion dollars as of 2016. A rather easy one to promote considering we need them to survive. Yet, it’s not just the food and drinks we consume but the lifestyle behind it. We’re seeing that now with tailored...

green energy and sustainability Best Green & Earth Friendly Affiliate Programs

One-third of consumers prefer sustainable brands. The green industry is on track to further revolutionize markets. Already we see the excitement as we shift toward these Earth-friendly industries through solar energy, electric cars, and automation. (more…)

home and garden niche Best Home & Garden Affiliate Programs

The estimated size of the U.S. home & garden industry is 265 billion dollars as of 2016. Rising incomes and confidence in the economy has given consumers a boost in undertaking home improvement projects. Home improvement giants Lowe’s and Home Depot continue to open new stores and dominate the market....

telecommunications Best Telecommunications Affiliate Programs

There's an incredible money making opportunity when partnering with the best telecommunication affiliate programs. Why? Well... There’s almost a 1:1 cell phone subscription to every person in the world. A stat slightly hard to believe but true. In the U.S., 95% of Americans have a cellphone and of that… 77%...

Sports Affiliate Programs The Best Sports Affiliate Programs: Big Earnings with Sporting Goods, Apparel, and More

Sports affiliate programs are on the rise. Why? Because... The estimated size of the global sports industry is 1.3 trillion dollars as of 2016. The lucrative opportunities combined with a passion for sports make this an incredible niche to be a part of because it continues to hold worldwide popularity....

Affiliate Scams How to Avoid Affiliate Scams

Affiliate Marketing has its share of affiliate scams. The business opportunity brings about shady individuals looking to make a quick buck. It’s a business model that many have abused through spamming, fake reviews, bait & switch, and flat-out lying. All of this is just on the affiliate side of things...

Valuable Investments Valuable Investments for Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business opportunities you’ll discover online. It is, though, like any other type of business in which the more you invest the more you’ll get. Once you start to gain a respectable return on investment you, no doubt, think of where to re-invest the...

Add CPA Marketing Learn and Add CPA Marketing to Your Site: A Starter Guide

Want to learn how to start CPA marketing? Or, add CPA marketing to your existing efforts? CPA (cost-per-action) marketing pays once an individual completes a specific action such as: Filling out a zip code Downloading a program Rating an application A CPA ad, for example, could send someone to a...

Affiliate Marketing Risks Unpaid Commissions Suck, But These Affiliate Dangers & Risks Are Worse.

Affiliate marketing is amazing because you don’t have to create a product or service. You leverage your understanding of the Web (such as content publication, social media, or advertising) to push affiliate offers and earn a commission. The way that sounds gives you the impression that there aren’t any risks...

Business Cards Affiliate Marketing and Business Cards: Are They Needed?

A business card is a staple for … business … and since affiliate marketing is a type of business I’m sure you’ve wondered whether it’s worthwhile to invest in a stack of them. I say … why not? It couldn’t hurt, right? Having one certainly gives you the base benefits such as...

St. Patrick's Day Marketing Strategy St. Patrick’s Day Marketing Strategy: A Golden Opportunity

Why should you bother with St. Patrick's Day affiliate marketing and promotions? Well... Considering Americans spent an estimated $4.7 billion dollars for this holiday should give you a start. Wait... what?! Indeed. There's big money to be made during St. Patrick's Day. Positioning your affiliate marketing just right can have you...

Ecig Marketing E-Cig Marketing Strategies: An Affiliate Guide to the Vaping Market

Got a vape shop and want to do some e-cig marketing? Or, starting a campaign to jump into the market?  Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) have really taken off in popularity. They provide a safer, inexpensive, and flexible option for smokers. Personally, I was smoking a pack a day until my friend...

About Affiliate Marketing

Want to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is something you’re already doing whenever you share a product/service page. Or, talk to your friends and followers about something you like. Except, now you’re getting paid for its promotion.

How so?

As an affiliate, you partner with brands and earn a commission whenever someone buys the offer through your link. It’s a referral system.

Many affiliate programs pay top dollar for promotions and sales. You could turn a review into a big money-maker when partnering with the right affiliate program or network!

There are many bonuses with affiliate marketing, too.

Within certain niches and programs, you can earn incentives like bonus commissions, higher payout, products, and even recurring payments.

Ultimately, you get to earn talking about the products and services you love and recommend. All that’s needed is a quick sign-up and you can start listing offers on your site or social media feeds.

Easy, right? Because it is!

Start learning affiliate marketing with the blog posts, below. And, be sure to check out our affiliate program directory for more opportunities!